Renee Sansom Briscoe

Renee Sansom Briscoe holds a master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the rehabilitation field as the Transition Coordinator for DRS. In 2007, Renee held a position with DRS as a Rehabilitation Counselor covering the state for the Hispanic unit and served both adult and transition caseloads. She then became the Program Manager in 2015 for the Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council, where she has served on many committees and as a member of the Workforce boards, National Coalition for State Rehabilitation Council, Joining Forces, Oklahoma Transition Council, Statewide Independent Living Center, ABLE Tech Advisory Council, and VR/VS State Plan Team. Renee has also worked in the field of Job Placement for Projects with Industry in Texas as well as multiple internships with Developmental Disabilities Service Division. Originally from Davis, Oklahoma, she currently resides in Oklahoma City with her husband Geromy. She has 1 son, Dylan, who is 21, works at Sky Zone in Edmond, and is trying to master real estate school. Her husband has 2 sons, Matthew is 22 and lives at Santa Fe Place Group Home in Moore, and Micah, 11, attends Epic Charter School and his time is split between his mom and dad. In her spare time, Briscoe enjoys making crafts, decorating for every holiday, Seahawks football, Thunder basketball, exploring new places, D&D, spending time with her sons, nephews, Dutch and Carter, niece, March, and all other family and friends. You can find her on the soccer field cheering on her son and his friends on a Co-Ed team or traveling with her husband. She and her family are members of Victory Church in Edmond.