World Down Syndrome Day
What is World Down Syndrome Day?
World Down Syndrome Day is every year on March 21st! World Down Syndrome Day is a worldwide awareness day meant to celebrate individuals with Down syndrome by advocating for the rights, inclusion, and well-being of people with Down syndrome. Every year on March 21st, people all over the world support the campaign by wearing crazy socks. You can help raise awareness and participate by wearing your crazy socks and posting photos on social media and using the hashtags: #Socks4DSACO #WorldDownSyndromeDay!
Why Should We Wear Crazy Socks?
We ask everyone to wear their favorite pair of crazy socks to show support for individuals with Down syndrome. Socks are used to raise awareness about Down syndrome because stripped socks look similar to chromosomes and Down syndrome is caused by the third replication of the 21st chromosome.
World Down Syndrome Education Resources
Education Packet
Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day in your classroom! DSACO has put together a packet for teachers filled with educational resources, a presentation on inclusion, and activities! This packet is free to anyone and available for download HERE!
Coloring Contest
Want to help raise awareness at your child's school? DSACO is having a coloring contest for World Down Syndrome Day!
We are asking all schools to participate in our “Knock Your Socks Off!” coloring contest. Each school that participates will have the option to pick an overall winner or grade winner. Download coloring sheet HERE!
Support the Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma
Looking for ways to make a difference? Discover our current volunteer opportunities below and become a part of the DSACO community! Whether you want to help at events, assist with programs, or lend your skills in other ways, we have a spot for you.