Virtual American Sign Language Class
Hi DSACO Families!
My name is Gwen Cox of Click and Sign. I am going to be offering online classes for all the DSACO families that want to learn how to use American Sign Language ASL to communicate with their children. American Sign Language has worked wonders with all ages and especially well with those that know what they want and need but may be challenged to communicate that.
I have been teaching ASL to families for more than 25 years. I began as an Interpreter in the state of Oklahoma after graduating from Oklahoma State University. I worked everywhere in the state and after a few years, I was asked to come and teach Art classes to children with challenges at the Fine Arts Institute in Edmond. After a year there, I was asked by some families to teach them to sign with their children. A front-page article came out in the Newspaper with me working with a young man with DS and the journey to teaching hearing families and students how to sign began. After two years of classes with the families in Edmond, a company in Seattle, called Sign2Me, asked me to come up and interview for the job of Network Director for teachers all over the country. I also presented at Educational Conferences all over the country and met some amazing people. I did that for 3 years with monthly trips to Seattle, and it was exhausting. So I decided to come back to OKC to teach. Two days after returning to OKC, my friend from PBS, Rachel Coleman of Signing Time said she wanted me to start their Academy and teach teachers all over the world. I reluctantly said yes and began traveling all over the country teaching and presenting to institutions about the benefits of learning to sign. After 5 years of traveling and teaching, and living out of a suitcase, I said….no more. I want to come back to OKC and teach. I have not regretted the decision because I get to be close to family and friends and teach amazing families, and students in OKC.
I will be offering online classes beginning on Wednesday’s, July 22-August 26 and Thursday’s, July 23-August 27. You select which day and time slot works best for you and your family. You don’t have to leave your home and you can have as many family members participate that you want! I will send you a curriculum and set of printable flashcards that you can print out and use. We will conduct classes on GOOGLE HANGOUT which is an APP through Google. All you need is a Gmail account and you are ready to go! Everything is included in the cost of $60 for all 6 classes. I have always done a special price for my DSACO families and this one is a great deal! Below are the time slots for each day. There is room for 8 families for each day, so reserve your slot ASAP:
I am so excited to get started with all of you, so don’t delay…classes will fill quickly! Just pick the time slot that works best for you and register!
See all of you soon!
Gwen E. Cox
Educator, Trainer, and Consultant
Click and Sign
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