Job Opportunity - Job Coach

AmeriCorps Member – Job Coach

Service Opportunity Overview:

The DownSyndrome Association of Central Oklahoma (DSACO) is seeking a dedicated andpassionate AmeriCorps Member to serve as a Job Coach for individuals with Downsyndrome. This service role will provide direct support to individuals as theydevelop workplace skills and integrate into DSACO’s team, allowing theorganization to expand and diversify while offering meaningful serviceopportunities to individuals with Down syndrome.

Key Service Responsibilities:

·       Provide on-the-job coaching, mentoring, and support toindividuals with Down syndrome.

·       Assist individuals in understanding service tasks,expectations, and professional behaviors.

·       Develop and implement strategies to promote independenceand success in the workplace.

·       Collaborate with DSACO staff to ensure an inclusive andsupportive service environment.

·       Track and report on progress, challenges, and achievementsof individuals served.

·       Serve as an advocate for individuals with Down syndrome inworkplace settings.

·       Participate in AmeriCorps training, meetings, and approvedservice projects as required.


·       Commitment to serving individuals with Down syndrome andpromoting workplace inclusion.

·       Strong interpersonal and communication skills.

·       Ability to provide clear guidance and encouragement toindividuals with disabilities.

·       Patience, flexibility, and a positive attitude.

·       Ability to work independently and as part of a team.

·       Must be at least 18 years old and a U.S. citizen or legalresident.

Service Commitment & Benefits:

·      WeeklySchedule: 25 hours per week.

·      BiweeklyLiving Allowance: $400.00 (gross).

·      SegalEducation Award: $1,956.35 uponsuccessful completion of service.

·       Work Schedule: Availability required onMondays (9 am-2 pm), Tuesdays (9 am-3 pm), and Thursdays (9 am-3 pm), withoccasional weekends. Additional flexible hours may be scheduled outsidemandatory hours.

·      End Date: August 31, 2025.

·      Valuable hands-onexperience in job coaching and disability support services.

·      Opportunity to make a meaningfulimpact in the lives of individuals with Down syndrome.

AmeriCorps ServiceRequirements:

AmeriCorps members are expected to fulfill thecommitment of 25 hours per week, participate in required training sessions, andengage in service projects to further strengthen community impact.

To apply, email resume and cover letter to

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